WWE RAW Live Results (January 15th, 2024): R-Truth goes after the Judgment Day!!

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05:00 (IST)16 JAN 2024

Jinder can’t believe it! Indus Shur is sent to the back, and Rollins hits the Curb Stomp!

Seth Rollins defeats Jinder Mahal via pinfall. 

04:59 (IST)16 JAN 2024

As Priest is about to cash in, Drew McIntyre climbs over the barricade and the two begin to brawl! No cash-in tonight! Jinder hits Seth with the fireman’s carry gutbuster for a two-count.  \Veer distracts the ref while Sanga slides a chair in. Veer cracks Seth’s skull with Priest’s briefcase, and Jinder hits the Khalas!! 1-2-no!!

04:57 (IST)16 JAN 2024

Jinder’s planted with the Pedigree, but Seth’s knee gives out. Veer puts Jinder’s leg on the ropes, keeping their leader alive for now.

04:56 (IST)16 JAN 2024

Falcon Arrow from Seth connects! It might be curtains for Jinder.

04:56 (IST)16 JAN 2024

Seth hits a pair of springboard dives for another near fall. It seems that the second dive, a moonsault, may have injured Seth’s knee.

04:55 (IST)16 JAN 2024

Seth and Jinder trade shots, with the World Heavyweight Champion overcoming the beefy Modern Day Maharaja with a discus lariat. A crossbody off the top takes Jinder down for a two-count.
04:53 (IST)16 JAN 2024
Jinder is dominating Seth Rollins, thanks to that brief distraction from Priest. The former WWE Champion traps Seth in the middle of the ring with an abdominal stretch.

04:53 (IST)16 JAN 2024

Damian Priest has come down to the ring! Will we see a cash in?

04:48 (IST)16 JAN 2024

Indus Sher distracts Seth Rollins, allowing the Modern Day Maharaja to get an early lead. Seth fights off the Khallas, as does Jinder the Pedigree. Jinder launches Seth to the floor and rocks him with a devastating boot to the side of the head. Seth fights back with chops and sends Jinder’s shoulder into the ring post.

04:47 (IST)16 JAN 2024

Jinder Mahal is accompanied to the ring by Indus Sher. Will they be the key to Jinder’s victory? The World Heavyweight Championship match starts now!!

04:36 (IST)16 JAN 2024

Guys…Veer came!!

Once Natalya is able to tag in, she’s able to counter Stark’s Z360. Zoey escapes the Sharpshooter, and Baszler hits a blind tag. Shayna is rocked by Nattie’s discus lariat, and a Penalty Kick from Nox nearly gets the win. They go for the Hart Attack, but Stark pulls Nox to the floor.

Nattie rolls over the Kirifuda Clutch only for Shayna to roll with her, keeping the lock in place and securing the win!

Shayna Baszler and Zoey Stark defeat Natalya and Tegan Nox via submission.
04:34 (IST)16 JAN 2024

Baszler and Stark hammer Nox in the corner, tearing the Girl with the Shiniest Wizard apart while Natalya can only watch.
04:33 (IST)16 JAN 2024

Earlier today, Nattie and Tegan challenged Zoey and Shayna. Zoey wondered if they could last 20 seconds.

They have, but it’s not looking great for Tegan Nox who has been cut off from her partner from the starting bell.

04:30 (IST)16 JAN 2024

We get a vignette from Shinsuke Nakamura warning Cody Rhodes that their story doesn’t end until he says so. Still, it’s time for him to turn his “hunger” toward the Royal Rumble. “A hungry Shinsuke is a dangerous Shinsuke.”

We’ll..take your word for it.
04:29 (IST)16 JAN 2024

Next up we’ve got more tag team action as Shayna Baszler and Zoey Stark battle Tegan Nox and Natalya.

04:28 (IST)16 JAN 2024

“What happened to us?!” Coming to a theater near you, Finding Truth!

04:22 (IST)16 JAN 2024

Truth’s confusing ways get him punished by Damian Priest, who plants him with South of Heaven! Balor picks up the pin for the win.

Judgment Day defeats Awesome Truth via pinfall.
04:20 (IST)16 JAN 2024

Balor and Priest are hesitant to attack Truth since he got them some extra cash. Truth finally tags in Miz, who fires up on the WWE Tag Team Champions. Balor is dropped face-first on the apron and Priest is sent over the announcer’s desk. Miz attempts a Skull Crushing Finale, but Balor escapes.
04:19 (IST)16 JAN 2024

Damian Priest told Truth earlier not to tag The Miz in this match. Truth uh…started the match, and he refuses to tag out to Miz.

04:17 (IST)16 JAN 2024

No one knows what’s going on…least of all R-Truth!

04:13 (IST)16 JAN 2024

Judgment Day vs. Awesome Truth is next…kind of? Truth is handing a ton of money to Finn Balor. His cut of the merch, I guess. Dom is next, but JD doesn’t get anything because he “has to be a member.”

God bless R-Truth.
04:02 (IST)16 JAN 2024

Becky says something that shocks us all. She says that she thinks Rhea Ripley is better than her, but she needs to prove herself wrong. She needs to beat Rhea Ripley at WrestleMania 40.

Ripley says there’s one other person who wants Becky to win the Rumble more than The Man, and that’s Mami.

“I’ll see you at WrestleMania.”

04:01 (IST)16 JAN 2024

This definitely has a WrestleMania feel to it

03:58 (IST)16 JAN 2024

Rhea’s interrupted by The Man! Becky Lynch and Rhea Ripley? Now that’s a WrestleMania match!
03:57 (IST)16 JAN 2024

As Rhea’s music leaves us, the crowd chants “Mami” until she quiets them. She says she’s tired of Nia Jax and others claiming they run this division. This division belongs to Rhea Ripley and no one else. She says if the winner wants to waste their WrestleMania, choose her. But if they want to succeed, choose someone else.

03:56 (IST)16 JAN 2024

The Mosh Pit Kid. The Eradicator. The Nightmare. Mami. Whatever you call her, Rhea Ripley is out next!

03:46 (IST)16 JAN 2024

Tozawa manages to stun Ivar and rips his shirt off. However, Ivar catches him bouncing off the ropes for a spinning World’s Strongest Slam. He follows with a senton and sets the former Cruiserweight Champion up for the Doomsault.

Maxxine tries to distract Ivar with something that is NOT PG, allowing Tozawa to knock him off the top and get a jackknife pin for…the win!!

Akira Tozawa defeats Ivar via pinfall.
03:43 (IST)16 JAN 2024

Next up is the big man Ivar, who has had some STELLAR matches since his partner Erik’s been away with a severe neck injury. Tonight, he takes on Akira Tozawa.

03:42 (IST)16 JAN 2024

Jey Uso ain’t letting this happen again!

03:35 (IST)16 JAN 2024

Woods is attacked backstage by Kaiser, but he’s saved by his former rival Jey Uso! Looks like Jey could be Gunther’s next challenger.
03:29 (IST)16 JAN 2024

Bronson Reed puts all champions on notice!

Bronson Reed cuts a promo backstage, saying that there’s “someone holding a championship” who doesn’t realize it will soon belong to Big Bronson Reed.

Gunther? Seth Rollins? Noam Dar?
03:28 (IST)16 JAN 2024

Kaiser sets Woods up on the steps. I think I have deja vu. Woods was only baiting Kaiser in and hit him with a dropkick off the steps. Kaiser avoids the stairs as they’re launched by Woods and escapes over the barricade.

This feud is full of heat!
03:26 (IST)16 JAN 2024

Ludwig launches an announcer’s chair at Woods much like he did to Kofi Kingston last week, but misses.

Woods lays out Kaiser and follows by hitting HIM with the chair. But as Woods gets a steel chair, it’s shot right into his face with a dropkick from Kaiser!

Ludwig Kaiser defeats Xavier Woods via DQ.
03:20 (IST)16 JAN 2024

Woods finally gets back in this after catching Kaiser with a leaping forearm. Michael Cole reminds us that he’s a KOTR winner and is still looking for his first singles championship. Ludwig launches Woods shoulder first into the post and follows with the basement dropkick.
03:17 (IST)16 JAN 2024

Kaiser is driven into the corner by Woods as this match finally begins. The referee pulls them apart, finally giving Kaiser his opportunity to strike. He hammers Woods in the corner and is forced off by the referee. Woods looks completely dazed.
03:12 (IST)16 JAN 2024

Ludwig accepts Woods’ challenge, and they get to brawling before a ref even arrives. This is gonna be good!
03:12 (IST)16 JAN 2024

He’s back! Xavier Woods has returned, and he’s challenged Ludwig Kaiser!

03:12 (IST)16 JAN 2024

Gunther declares for the Royal Rumble!

03:10 (IST)16 JAN 2024

Woods demands a match with Kaiser and asks if he has to ask his “Daddy” for permission. Gunther hands him a microphone to let him answer himself. A “Who’s your daddy” chant breaks out while The Ring General laughs.

Nothing is scarier than Gunther laughing.
03:08 (IST)16 JAN 2024

Before they can continue, they’re interrupted by the returning Xavier Woods!
03:08 (IST)16 JAN 2024

After calling his shot, Gunther decides to review Ludwig’s January so far. Last week, Kaiser took out Kofi Kingston by dropkicking his head into the steel steps.

Gunther says he loves what he saw last week. That was a side he knew was in Kaiser all along. He says well done and offers a hug.
03:06 (IST)16 JAN 2024

Gunther is introduced by Ludwig Kaiser and says he smells excrement. It must be Arkansas. Over the past few weeks, he’s heard many superstars make their claim for the Rumble’s top prize, reminding them he was one elimination from winning last year.
03:04 (IST)16 JAN 2024

It’s finally happening!

03:01 (IST)16 JAN 2024

Backstage, Judgment Day are watching Nia Jax’s highlight package, where she seems to say she has her eyes on Rhea Ripley. Mami walks off to “handle business” while Damian Priest enters the room. He says that Truth is bringing something big to the group, namely CASH!!
02:55 (IST)16 JAN 2024

Chelsea Green breaks up the pin but eats a spinebuster from Hartwell. Piper misses another splash as Chelsea sneakily tags in. She goes for the Unprettier but is countered. An assisted Lionsault puts the former WWE Women’s Tag Champs away!

Candice LeRae and Indi Hartwell defeat Chelsea Green and Piper Niven via pinfall.
02:54 (IST)16 JAN 2024

Of course, the second Chelsea tags in, she loses control. Chelsea eats a big boot on the apron and tags right back out. Piper headbutts the former NXT Champion and goes for the Vader Bomb! Indi avoids it and gets to Candice. The Poison Pixie connects with two running sentons on Piper and a Codebreaker to Chelsea.
02:52 (IST)16 JAN 2024

Candice LeRae and Indi Hartwell take on the former tag champs next. Chelsea Green takes out LeRae before the bell with a kick, giving Piper Niven a chance to dominate Indi. A shoulder breaker connects, and Indi is already in a bad way.
02:45 (IST)16 JAN 2024

We’ve got another tag match up next, as Chelsea Green and Piper Niven are in action!
02:42 (IST)16 JAN 2024

After that, Meet in the Middle connects! 1-2-3!

DIY defeats Judgment Day via pinfall.
02:42 (IST)16 JAN 2024

Big moonsault connects for JD, but Gargano breaks it up. Mysterio sets him up for the 619, only for Johnny Gargano to catch him. Ciampa knocks Mysterio to the floor with a knee to the jaw and spikes JD with another DDT.
02:41 (IST)16 JAN 2024

Everyone’s down in the ring after they all hit a series of big strikes, including Gargano and Mysterio, who knock each other out with a series of super kicks. The crowd is rocking for this one. Ciampa and McDonagh are fresh again, and McDonagh plants Ciampa with a standing Spanish Fly!!
02:39 (IST)16 JAN 2024

Ciampa is on fire, laying out both Judgment Day members with a series of clotheslines. The Psycho Killer targets the legal McDonagh, spiking him with a Scorpion Death Drop style DDT.
02:38 (IST)16 JAN 2024

Dirty Dom did get his own custom 3D effect for his entrance before the match, which is neat.
02:34 (IST)16 JAN 2024

After a few minutes of grinding punishment, Gargano rocks Dominik with a kick and tags out to Tommaso Ciampa. But the ref didn’t see it! Dominik and JD distract him, and this leads to a two-on-one assault on Gargano while the ref admonishes Ciampa. A “Ref, you su*k” chant breaks out.
02:32 (IST)16 JAN 2024

When we come back from the break, McDonagh is laid out by an arm-wrench/lariat combo from DIY. Somehow he manages not to get pinned there. Dominik kicks Gargano in the back when he’s bouncing off the ropes and manages to tag in.

It’s Dirty Dom time, folks!! Get your custom mullets on!
02:27 (IST)16 JAN 2024

DIY takes on the younger Judgment Day members JD McDonagh and Dominik Mysterio in the first contest. R-Truth is nowhere to be found this week, as he’s busy running his merch racket. DIY takes Judgment Day to the floor prior to the break.
02:27 (IST)16 JAN 2024

R-Truth might have finally proved himself…with cold hard cash!

02:26 (IST)16 JAN 2024

“You will be the first of your family to raise that championship…but not before I finish MY story.”

02:21 (IST)16 JAN 2024

02:18 (IST)16 JAN 2024

Damian Priest finds R-Truth backstage selling merch. At first, he’s furious, but Truth gives him a cut of the money he’s made, and he changes his mind. He gives Truth one important note for the match between Judgment Day and Awesome Truth tonight. Don’t tag in.

Will Truth take that advice? Does he even understand it?
02:17 (IST)16 JAN 2024

02:16 (IST)16 JAN 2024

Before walking off, Cody reminds Drew what happened the last time they were in the ring. Spoilers: Rhodes won.
02:15 (IST)16 JAN 2024

Drew wants to know why Cody is endorsing Jey Uso and CM Punk. He says that it’s unfortunate that he’s in his way. Drew likes Cody, but he needs to finish what he’s started.
02:13 (IST)16 JAN 2024

Cody says that he could win, Drew could win…even CM Punk could win! Light Punk chants are in the arena, but there are not many. Drew tells Cody he needs to be himself. No need for fancy suits and four-syllable words. He wants to see the REAL Cody Rhodes.
02:11 (IST)16 JAN 2024

Drew reminds Cody and the fans that back in the day, they were a tag team in their first run with WWE. Cody remembers the name. The Dashing Ones! Drew compares his time away from the promotion to Cody’s, telling the fans that Drew once told him he was a future World Champion.

He returns to the family, telling Cody he will be the first member of the family to raise that championship and finish his story. But not before he finishes his.
02:08 (IST)16 JAN 2024

As Cody asks what the WWE Universe wants to talk about, Drew McIntyre interrupts! The Scottish Psychopath is on a warpath!
02:04 (IST)16 JAN 2024

Cody Rhodes kicks us off! All aboard the American Roller Codester!
02:04 (IST)16 JAN 2024

We see the leftovers of a winter storm that’s currently ravaging most of the United States piled up in front of the arena in Little Rock, Arkansas, tonight. We also get footage of World Heavyweight Champion Seth “Freakin” Rollins arriving with his kid. He defends against Jinder Mahal tonight.
02:01 (IST)16 JAN 2024

It’s time for WWE RAW, and we’re kicking off with a special video honoring the legacy of the late Martin Luther King, Jr. on this MLK Day.

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