Will Smith reveals what he normally does during the holy month of Ramadan

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Will Smith reveals what made him read the holy book during podcast interview

Will Smith has recently opened up about reading the Holy Quran from cover to cover after Oscar slap controversy.

During an appearance on BigTime podcast earlier this week, the Men in Black actor said, “The last two years of my life have been a difficult time and my attention turned inward and I read all the holy books.”

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He then revealed, “I even read the Quran cover to cover during last Ramadan.”

Will noted that this is the “spiritual seeking phase of my life,” where he’s “trying to cultivate as wide open as loving heart as I will be able to build”.

When questioned what did he discover after reading the Holy book of Quran, to which the Emancipation star replied, “I wish I would tell how much Musa was mentioned in the holy book.”

“Through Quran, I read about Musa and his experiences,” he remarked.

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Will mentioned, “The other thing I love about Quran is its simplicity, I mean the holy book is so crystal clear and it’s hard to walk away with misunderstandings.”

“The spirit of the book is so beautiful and clear,” declared the Hollywood actor.

Meanwhile, Will disclosed that he read all the holy books of Abrahamic religion, adding, “From the Torah to the Bible and now to the Quran, I finally understood the line and the completion of the comprehension.”

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