
Paige Spiranac


Paige knows how to catch the attention of her fans while playing golf

Glamor girl and golf influencer, Paige Spiranac, knows how to catch the attention of her fans while playing golf and sharing her videos on social media to her 3.9 million followers on Instagram.

The 30-year-old Spiranac posted a video on his Instagram account where he bends over to pick up the golf ball, place it on the tee and take a good swing while his hair swings through the air.

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In the publication, Paige wrote a message and a question for her followers: “I love getting to know you all better! What’s your favorite food to eat on the course? “I love a good hotdog at the turn”

Paige’s beauty continues to cause a sensation not only because of her sublime curves and her dazzling appearance, but also because of her game and above all because of her very funny occurrences when she plays golf, whether alone or accompanied by a professional of the game.

A few days ago she surprised her followers with a new hairstyle when he played golf and Bryson Dechambeau, who is a professional golfer with eight victories on the PGA Tour, served as his caddy.

Paige Spiranac continues to captivate audiences in the world of golf and beyond with her authenticity, determination and touch of humor.

Recently announced collaboration with Bryson DeChambeau

Golf personality Paige Spiranac engaged with her fans in a captivating Instagram post, blending insights into the unpredictable nature of golf with a stunning display in a low-cut white dress.

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The 30-year-old shared contrasting emotions in golf, with the post showcased Spiranac’s ample assets, leaving followers mesmerized.

“Golf either makes me smile or want to break all my clubs. There’s no in-between lol,” she wrote on X.

Despite the reflective tone of the post, fans couldn’t resist complimenting Spiranac on her stunning looks and playful attitude.

Announced new collaboration
Known for her appeal both on and off the golf course, Spiranac continues to captivate her audience. In a recent surprise announcement, she revealed a collaboration with LIV Golf star Bryson DeChambeau.

Despite her previous criticism of DeChambeau, the golf influencer praised his kind and humorous demeanor. The collaboration aims to showcase a different side of both personalities.

“Have to give credit where credit is due to @b_dechambeau!” she wrote on X.

Paige Spiranac's Christmas tease makes fans wish her new video lasted one  second longer | Marca

“I’ve publicly trolled him in the past but in person he was nothing but kind, funny, and self deprecating. Total opposite from how I perceived him over the years. And you would think I should know better because it happens to me everyday.

“I’m excited for you to see the content we’ve been shooting and an opportunity for you to get to know us both better! Coming soon.”

Spiranac took to X (Twitter) to admit that DeChambeau was good times

Golf influencer Paige Spiranac finally met LIV Golf star Bryson DeChambeau in person after previously trolling him on social media and is now a fan of the professional golfer. Her followers are now wondering if they are dating.

Spiranac, 31, took to X (Twitter) on Friday to admit that DeChambeau was nothing like she had imagined. In fact, he wowed her, specifically due to his humor expressed while they recorded content soon-to-be released.

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Have to give credit where credit is due to Bryson DeChambeau,” Spiranac tweeted. “I’ve publicly trolled him in the past, but in person he was nothing but kind, funny, and self deprecating. Total opposite from how I perceived him over the years.

“And you would think I should know better because it happens to me everyday. I’m excited for you to see the content we’ve been shooting and an opportunity for you to get to know us both better! Coming soon.”

Both Paige Spiranac and Bryson DeChambeau are single
DeChambeau, 30, was dating college golf star Lilia Schneider for about a year and seemingly broke up with her without making much noise.

Schneider, 20, and DeChambea have both erased all traces of one another from social media. The irony is that she was compared to Spiranac from the start.

Spiranac hasn’t been romantically linked to anybody since her divorce, but something could be brewing with DeChambeau. For now, they are single and already mingling.

Paige Spiranac has propelled herself to fame with her golf-related content. But at times, the model tends to keep her fans entertained by engaging in other fun content on her social media handles. Well, the social media influencer has not disappointed anyone this time either.

Ever since her rise to fame, the golf mommy has earned a lot of recognition in the sports field. This has led her to collaborate with many interesting people. And a similar collab was posted on Saturday on her Instagram, surprising many fans.

Paige Spiranac takes a break from golf
Spiranac has been known to be friends with Robby Berger, an Instagram influencer who hosts the show Bob Does Sports. The ex-golfer went ahead to post a story on her Instagram with Berger as they shared their reviews on a certain food item.

In the story uploaded on her social media handle, the duo were seen eating a Chicken Caesar wrap inside a golf cart. With the bag of clubs behind the influencers, one can assume the video to be taken during one of their breaks from the game of golf that she was playing with her friend.

Although the wrap seemed small according to their first impressions, it came out to be “very saucy” and tasty for Spiranac as she went on to rate it a solid 8.3. The duo was visibly enjoying the small snack as her partner agreed with her review of the delicacy.

This is not the first time that the 30-year-old model has shared content on her social media handle that featured her friend. Let us take a peek back into such an instance where the diva was seen having fun with Robby Berger.

Is Spiranac the fourth member of Bob Does Sports?
Not long ago, a fan posted a question on the ex-golfer’s Instagram story asking her if she would be joining the team of Bob Does Sports. Spiranac then asked Bobby if she was the fourth member of the squad to which he replied, “I’ve said it and I will continue to say it, it’s an open invitation.”

Paige Spiranac's 2024 calendar cocktail mixing golf and glamour | SaltWire

But there’s more, Berger also mentioned how she has to pass a challenge that was approved by the golfing legend John Daly. Spiranac responded in kind as she asked him if it was tequila that she would get to drink, to which he nodded in agreement. Well, it would take someone with exceptional caliber to excel in the challenge set forth by Daly. Even so, our hearts are with the golf mommy.

Popular personality Paigе Spiranac is more than just a golf star. Shе is a bеauty icon, podcast host and social mеdia sеnsation, with millions of fans who follow hеr еvеry movе, both on and off thе coursе. But thеrе is onе aspеct of hеr lifе that shе kееps vеry privatе: hеr lovе lifе.

Who is shе dating? Is shе singlе or takеn? Hеrе’s еvеrything you want to know about Paigе Spiranac’s rеlationship status.

Is Paigе Spiranac Dating?
The OG influencer has been dating somеonе nеw since April 2023. She casually mеntionеd that shе had a boyfriеnd, on hеr YouTubе vlog whеrе shе shows hеr daily routinе post thе Mastеrs’ Championship.

In her words, “Yes, I do have a boyfriend and he works crazy hours and he works a lot so what we do is whoever is busier, the other person will pick up the slack.”

Paige Spiranac defends her sexy outfits on social media | Toronto Sun

The model said that they share their chorеs based on their availability. Shе also said that hе was vеry supportivе of hеr carееr and madе hеr happy.

However, Paige did not rеvеal thе idеntity of hеr boyfriеnd. She sееms very happy and enjoying the romantic phase of her life. She revealed that her boyfriend has labeled her as belonging to a ‘Legit category of fame’.

Paigе Spiranac’s Past Rеlationships
The golf queen has datеd a couple of athlеtеs in thе past, from a baskеtball playеr to a golfеr. Shе talked about somе of hеr dating еxpеriеncеs on hеr podcast, called ‘Playing a Round with Paigе Rеnее’. She revealed that baskеtball playеrs wеrе too busy playing vidеo gamеs and liеd about thеir height, whilе golfеrs wеrе unrеliablе and prеfеrrеd silеncе. Shе further added that shе mostly datеd basеball playеrs in collеgе, and that thеy worе gold chains or ropе nеcklacеs.

Paige Spiranac teases her photo calendar on Twitter

Moreover, the glam queen got married to Stеvеn Tinoco, an athlеtics trainеr, in 2018. Thе couplе got еngagеd in 2016. Post marriage, they sееmеd to havе a happy rеlationship. However, in 2022, Paigе announcеd that she was divorcеd and wanted a fresh start. Shе did not rеvеal thе rеason for thеir split and maintained that shе wantеd to kееp hеr pеrsonal lifе privatе

After some failеd rеlationships, the golf influencer has finally found happinеss in a mystеrious boyfriеnd. Shе is vеry privatе about hеr lovе lifе, but occasionally sharеs somе glimpsеs of it on hеr social mеdia. Paige is focused on her career and her passion for golf, and sееms to have found a partner who supports her and makеs hеr smilе. Isn’t that wonderful?

Paige Spiranac is not just a social media sensation; she is so much more! Along with being a sensational businesswoman, she is also a master of surprises. The 30-year-old has been keeping her fans on their toes all through 2023 with her witty, bold, and sometimes shocking posts. She just knows how to connect with people, and some of her 2023 moments have been a testament to it.

From her 31-day Halloween challenge to making a mock documentary about herself, she has made 2023 the best year for herself and her fans. As the curtains are about to fall this year, here is a list of the top five iconic moments from Spiranac’s 2023.

5. The Hoodie
The golf mommy is known for her unconventional and bold fashion choices on and off the golf course. She has faced a lot of criticism and backlash for the same, but she never really changed her style. However, just a few days before, she shocked her fans with her choice of clothes. She posted a video on Twitter of her practicing, and she was wearing a hoodie in it. Yes, a hoodie! Wearing a hoodie isn’t a big deal, but to the influencer’s fans, it sure came as a nice surprise.

4. Thе ‘Lеxi’ Twееt
The golf influencer is not shy about expressing her opinions on important matters. However, it is a rare sight for people to witness her commenting on the LPGA Tour and the female golfers. In October, she surprised everyone by tweeting about Lexi Thompson. The beautiful diva praised the golfer for her performance at the 2023 Shriners Children’s Open and complimented her for playing the same tees as the male golfers. Spiranac’s tweet came as a surprise for fans but was well-received as they liked the gesture.

3. The Golf Analyst
Paige Spiranac is not just a pretty face; she is also a smart and knowledgeable golf instructor. When Paul Azinger’s contract with NBC Sports was not renewed, she did not shy away from stepping up and offering to step in! In November, she surprised her fans by suggesting that she could be a golf analyst for NBC Sports. When NUCL Golf posted a tweet about Paul Azinger and NBC Sports parting ways, Golf Queen quickly reposted the tweet and wrote, “Fine, I’ll step in.” And her followers couldn’t agree more!

2. Thе Holе in Onе
Although Spiranac doesn’t compete anymore, she was once a professional golfer. She left the competitive aspect of the game but found solace in the business and knowledge aspects of golf. Proving that she still has the knack for the on-course aspect, the 30-year-old shot a pleasant ace this year.

In December, she surprised her fans by making a hole-in-one shot on camera. She was just playing some shots on the course when she hit an ace. She posted the video on Twitter and subtly called out everyone who claimed that she couldn’t play. The video beautifully captured her happiness after she made the spectacular ace and also showed glimpses of her ball landing in the hole.

This video went viral and received 2.9 million views. Some fans congratulated her for her incredible feat and praised her skills, while others accused her of faking the video. Spiranac later confirmed that the video was real and not edited. She claimed that it was one of the best moments of her life and was proud of it.

1. Thе Sandy Mounds Avatar
The golf queen is no stranger to criticism and online trolls. But this year, she took the matter into her own hands and decided to troll her trolls. Although she has always handled the negativity with sheer grace and dignity, earlier this year, it was time for ‘Sandy Mounds’ to make her way!

In May, she posted a satirical video that she had directed and written on her own. In the video, she referred to the fact that people on the internet shame her and how she should be a better ‘str***er’ than a golf influencer. Her video was iconic and surprising to the fans, and it took the entire internet by storm.

2023 was indeed a special year for the golf influencer and her fans alike! Her milestones and her skills raised the fans’ expectations of her! With 2024 approaching fast, it would be exciting to see what she has in store for her admirers! Stay tuned to find out all the latest updates about Paige Spiranac.

Paige Spiranac shares her list of goals for a healthy life and a better body this 2024

The golfer turned influencer, Paige Spiranac, knows how to keep the attention of her followers, with advice from the golf course and with daring outfits that she wears while playing or practicing golf.

The sexy golfer shared a video on her YouTube channel in which she describes one by one her goals to stay healthy and with a good body and thus have an amazing 2024.

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Paige has several goals to meet and maintain for the next 365 days and it is no surprise that her main goal is to improve her golf.

“I feel like this year just feels a little bit different and I am ready to conquer this year to make changes in my life, positive changes and to keep improving every single day.”

“I’ve never been one for journaling, but a lot of successful people do it. My therapist told me to start. We’re going to be reading more in 2024.”

“We’re gonna do everything it takes to get better at golf. And so maybe that’s buying an indoor putting mat or you’re doing this, we’re practicing indoors. I’m gonna make 100 6 footers every single day.”

Spiranac concluded that she ultimately just wants to do things that make her feel good. It’s sure to be an exciting year for Paige and her fans. Spiranac continues to captivate audiences in the golf world with his authenticity, determination and his touch of humor.

Paige Spiranac recently shared an Instagram story addressing a rumor that has been going around about her undergoing breast reduction. The rumors started after she shared a picture of her wearing a compression gear during a workout. At first, she acknowledged that her breast size had not reduced and later explained the reason why people were thinking that way.

Paige Spiranac

Golf’s top influencer gave three reasons behind why breast size may look different sometimes. The first was the choice of clothes. the second was weight gain or loss. And the third most important reason was, in her words, “that time of the month”.

Paige Spiranac stated the reason behind giving a lesson on the female anatomy is because her “DMs have been crazy” for “the last 24 hours.”

Paige Spiranac Gives a Lesson On Female Anatomy
Golf diva Paige Spiranac referred to the female menstrual cycle as “that time of the month” in her Instagram story. She explained the fact that during this period the breast size may either increase or decrease and that might “impact how natural breast size looks”. She added that her breasts “swell almost 2 cup sizes” during that time of the month.

Spiranac shared another story on Instagram to further explain the concept to men. She asked the guys to imagine their “buddy when it’s freezing” and then asked them to consider “when the blood is pumping”. She stated that the size would not be the same and then added that the same was with the breast sizes.

Paige Spiranac giving comebacks on social media posts is not a new thing. Her newest lesson on female anatomy was pretty scientific. How she adds humor with savageness is always a delight to watch for her fans. The golf influencer has been handling online criticism for years and does so with a punch!

Paige Spiranac’s popularity on social media is incomparable with any other golfer. Although her attempts to become a successful professional golfer may have failed, her hard work to become a top golf influencer has not. Popularity is not just the only thing that the 30-year-old American has earned so far. She has also accumulated a whopping net worth of $3 million.

Paige Spiranac

As per a post by Marca back in 2022, they mentioned that Paige Spiranac makes something around £10,272.25 from each post on Instagram. If converted into US Dollars, it would be around $12,401.

Interestingly, Spiranac’s per Instagram post earnings are more than any other golfer, even Tiger Woods, who comes second and is reported to earn £8,501 (approximately $10,262) per post. While the third highest earner is Rory McIlroy who earns around £7,438 (approximately $8,979).

Spiranac currently has close to 3.9 million followers on Instagram which makes her the most popular golfer on the platform. The 15-time major champion Tiger Woods is ranked second with 3.3 million followers.

Paige Spiranac Says She's Been Shadowbanned on TikTok Due to Her Breasts -  Swimsuit | SI.com

Exploring Paige Spiranac’s Endorsement Deals and Charity Works
The sensational golf influencer has a huge portfolio of brands that are associated with her. She has a notable endorsement deal with golf equipment manufacturer, Callaway Golf, for an undisclosed amount and tenure. She had been lately seen using Swag Golf’s headcovers, stand bags, and other golf accessories. She also endorses another golf-related company, 18Birdies.

Spiranac’s long list of endorsement deals and brand partnerships also include Octagon, Dynamic Brands, Shot Scope, BETSPERTS, X-Golf, PointsBet, and Club Champion.

Popularity and charm on social media have also got Spiranac to collaborate with Sports Illustrated, Lululemon, and Women’s Health in an attempt to promote fitness.

Paige Spiranac's 2024 calendar cocktail mixing golf and glamour | SaltWire

The golf diva has not just limited herself to collaborating with brands and money givers. She has also been supportive of various charitable organizations. She serves as a brand ambassador for CyberSmile Foundation, an international non-profit organization working towards tracking all kinds of cyberbullying and digital abuse. She is also reported to serve other charity organizations such as the Center for Disaster Philanthropy and Habitat for Humanity.

Although Spiranac may be reported to have earned just $3 million so far, her earnings are almost certain to grow seeing her increasing popularity on social media.

Paige Spiranac wanted to know who fans were backing in Monday night’s CFP National Championship game – but she made it abundantly clear that she was behind the Michigan Wolverines.

Ahead of the season finale between Washington and Michigan, the pro golfer turned social media personality joined in the college football talk with a revealing picture on X.

Paige Spiranac made her support for the Michigan Wolverines known with a revealing picture
Paige Spiranac made her support for the Michigan Wolverines known with a revealing picture

Spiranac posted a picture of herself on her bed while wearing a blue bikini top with Michigan’s logo printed on the right side.

‘Excited for the big game tonight,’ she captioned. ‘Who do you have winning? Michigan or Washington?’

Spiranac, a San Diego State alum, has long been a college sports fan and does not hesitate to show her support for various schools.

Last year, Spiranac posted a picture wearing a TCU tank top before they lost 7-65 to Georgia
Last year, Spiranac posted a picture wearing a TCU tank top before they lost 7-65 to Georgia

According to her Instagram bio, Spiranac is the ‘Number 1 Purdue fan’. Meanwhile, during last year’s college football championship game, she posted a similar picture in support of the TCU Horned Frogs.

Spiranac shared a photo of herself sporting a short white crop top with ‘TCU’ printed in purple on the chest.

The Wolverines held a 14-0 record heading into the game against Washington on Monday night
The Wolverines held a 14-0 record heading into the game against Washington on Monday night

Unfortunately, the Horned Frogs were steamrolled by the Bulldogs 65-7. The 58-point difference was the largest deficit in a college football championship game.

Washington entered Monday’s game with a perfect 14-0 record and a Sugar Bowl win over Texas.

Michigan was also flawless coming into the game after a Rose Bowl win over Alabama.